March 8, 2011


The other day in my spare time I was thinking about why it is that I don’t miss video games as much as I, or anyone else, had anticipated. Sure when I’m around all of the computers and some of the other peace corps volunteers are playing video games in Vila I get the itch to play, but when I’m out on my island I never seem to experience much urge to play. After much thought and consideration I decided it is simple. I enjoy escapism. My enjoyment of video games is the same reason why I like outdoor activities, or why I enjoy living on a tiny island in the pacific. I enjoy the adventure I experience while crawling through a cave, the rush of winning a battle, the sense of isolation a tiny pacific island provides, the fear when your foot slips rock climbing, the accomplishment of finishing a long journey and the sense of pride in being able to do what others don’t. This constant want for escapism worries me sometimes because I wonder when I come back to America, will I be happy to pick up a 9-5 job and just grind away at it day in and day out? I think not, I think my biggest challenge in life will be finding something I love doing, that provides me with all the escapism I want, but is also something that someone will be willing to pay me for. Any ideas? Haha

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