January 20, 2011

A day in my life

In the morning the sun is up at around 5am and with it all the roosters in the area start crowing, I usually get up and go to the bathroom and then throw a few rocks at the roosters and go back to bed until about 8ish. Afterwards I’ll go and sit down with my family in the kitchen/dining area and usually have a plateful of taro and cabbage with coconut milk. Somedays we’ll go up into the garden to work, but as it’s the month of rest, most mornings we just hang out and play cards for a while and then wander around to the neighboring communities and storian. This goes on until lunch time at which point I sit down with my family and eat another bowl of taro with cabbage and coconut milk for lunch. In the afternoons, I usually walk down to the school and charge my zune or cell phone, but most of the time I just go down to walk around a little as sitting around playing cards can start to get very boring. Afterwards, I walk back up to my house, do a small series of push ups and sit ups and then shower. Showering for the first month was a thing of entertainment for my village because in order to shower I simply stand under a shoulder height pipe and soap up then rinse off in my boxers. Now, though its become old news that the white man bathes just like all the locals do haha. After, I go hang out with my family in the family area and am usually treated to a handful of different local foods as extended family bring it to come and sit and look at me and sometimes talk with me, afterwards we play some more cards and then I brush my teeth and go to bed. I enjoy having lots of free time and being able to be lazy, but I think I’ll appreciate being able to start my projects in february and having more to do most days.

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