May 23, 2011

Building Toilets (5/20/11)

 So with my parent's visit on its way I’ve been trying to push my dad to help me get building a bathroom to house the flush toilet that he purchased years ago, in the hopes that before my parents get here we will have the toilet built so that they don't have to use my long drop toilet. Getting anything done in this culture is a process and getting anything done quickly tends to be impossible. That being said I decided the best way to start the toilet being built isn't to ask for lots of help from the community. The best way is to just start doing enough work on your own that when other people see you they feel bad for not helping and then pitch in. I gave my dad the money to purchase the cement and told him that the next day we'd go and collect sand that would be used to mix with the cement to make bricks for the septic tank. Now, most of Maewo's beaches are black stone so finding sanding sections can be difficult. Luckily (I had thought) there was a section of sand fairly close to the school that had been created during the last hurricane. Apparently though getting sand from a location so close was out of the question. So my dad told me the best place to get sand was about a half hour walk south of my village. Unsure how we were going to get the sand back to my house he said, “easy we'll just row the community's boat down, fill it up and then row it back.” Great with a boat we could load up tons and make the trip no problem. So we set out bright and early in the morning and got down to where the sand was we were planning to dig up. While on our way the boat took on a little water, which worried me but my dad said it wasn't a big deal and he'd cut a good plug to fill the drainage hole of the boat. So while he cut the plug my sisters and filled up 20 bags of sand. Each bag weighed about 80lbs so they were a little too heavy for my sisters to lift by themselves so I got the privilege of carrying all of the bags into the water to drop into the boat. Finally, all of this done, my dad and I hopped in the boat and began paddling back towards our village. Apparently the drainage of the boat wasn't the place where water was coming into the boat, there was a small crack near the back, and now with an extra 1600lbs in the boat it was taking on water really quickly. Seeing this my dad let me know that we had to paddle fast to make it back before the boat sank. So we paddled and got back to my village with the boat about half full of water. The water was rough and we couldn't bring the boat onto the beach cause the break was too rough, so while my sisters help the boat in place just outside of the break, I lifted the now wet bags of sand out of the boat onto my dad's back for him to carry one at a time back to shore. After getting wet the bags were heavy to the point that I could barely lift them over the side of the boat for my dad to take. They had to weigh close to 100 or more pounds now. Finally all of the bags unloaded and the boat about 3/4ths full of water now we attempted to carry the boat up onto shore, but it was too heavy with all the water it had taken on. So my little brother hopped in and started bailing until the boat was light enough that we could finally drag the boat up onto the beach. All of this work finally being done, I was worn out and not looking forward to dragging the bags of sand up the hill to my house. I picked up one of the bags to start the hike and my dad told me to stop. He said that since the bags were wet, we'd empty them onto a big canvas so they could dry and then we'd fill them up again and carry it up to the house. By this point I was positive all we succeeded in doing was moving some sand down the beach, not even any closer to getting it up to my house than before we started if he'd been willing to use the sand by the school. Two days later, my dad says he still needs to rest because he's so sore from carrying the bags of sand off the boat. Haha, if you read this mom and dad, I’m sorry but I don't think the toilet will be done before you get here!


  1. aaaaah hahahaha that is hilarious, and extremely frustrating, but definitely one more great story you can tell your kids someday, or someone's kids!!!

  2. Nic, I am really enjoying reading your blog! We just had dinner with your parents, Ben, grandma and Laura. It was really fun but I wish you could have been here! It sounds like you're having a good time in Vanautu (?) and I admire you for what you are doing. I miss you and love you so much! I am so proud to say that you are my cousin! I'm sure you will have an amazing time when your parents come to visit in two days. XOXO --Sarah!
